[Depicted in Spring Break Adventure, the 6th episode from the Adventures of Young Indiana Jones, produced by George Lucas - released in 1999 - it’s original edit is from The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles; Episode: Mexico, 1916 - released in 1992]
The following month school is let out for spring break, so Indiana & Henry take a train ride to visit family in New Mexico, where he gets re-acquainted with a wild cousin who decides to hitchhike with Indy past the Mexican border.
While looking for senoritas, the Mexican town is attacked by men on horseback who loot the bank and assault the locals, inspiring Indy to fight back only to be inevitably captured.
Indiana is about to be shot until the leader of the raiders arrives into town and sets him free, based on the terms that the rebels had acted without his approval. The name of the man is Pancho Villa, who later explains to Indiana that the rebels are only fighting for the simple freedoms that every man and woman should be provided.

Compassionate to their plight, Indiana decides to join their cause, and even learns the Quechuan language by spending time with Villa’s men.
At one point he notices an arms dealer speaking Arabic, and to make conversation he asks the man if he’d ever been to Egypt, only for the man to suspiciously ignore him.
He also befriends a Belgian national in Villa’s army named Remy (who would later accompany Indy on many adventures) who helps Indiana compose a letter to his father explaining his disappearance.

It’s during this moment when a U.S. Army lieutenant named George Patton walks into the cantina, and a gunfight ensues leaving Julio Cárdenas (Villa’s second in command) left for dead. Patton then reports to General John J. Pershing on the coordinates of Villa’s men.
Days later the rebels decide to attack the city of Ciudad Guerrero, which initially goes well until a counterattack from Pershing causes them to retreat. Later that night, Villa and his men decide to attack William Randolph Hearst’s hacienda, hoping that this would cause conflict between Mexican President Venustiano Carranza and American President Woodrow Wilson.

The estate is empty so the rebels take control without any resistance, however, as Indiana watches the looting he determines that the Mexican Revolution isn’t his cause after all.
That same evening Remy decides that he’d rather be at war defending his home country, and Indiana convinces his new friend to let him tag along. They agree to leave for Europe the following day at dawn.
Before he leaves, however, Indiana has unfinished business, as he previously realized that the mysterious arms dealer was actually the same man who stole the Jackal from the Valley of Kings in Egypt many years before, who escaped the grasps of Indy & T.E. Lawrence but hadn’t been forgotten.
Indiana sneaks into the ranch to steal back the headpiece, and is confronted by the man leading to an epic fight, culminating in a fire and explosion that only Indiana survives.
With the jackal’s head in his possession, Indy meets up with Remy and together they travel to Veracruz to catch a ship that’s headed to Europe and the Great War.
In this adventure Indiana has direct interactions and close encounters with:
Francisco “Pancho” Villa - A Revolutionary hero and one of the most prominent figures of the Mexican Revolution, he was assassinated in 1923 at the age of 45, leading to a posthumous life of universal popularity and acclaim.

George S. Patton - West Point Graduate and soldier in WWI, Patton is best remembered as a senior officer of the US Army in WWII, commanding troops in France & Germany during the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944. Prior to that he also invaded Casablanca during Operation Torch in 1942, along with leading troops into Sicily where he was the first Allied commander to reach Messina. After surviving both World Wars, Patten tragically died in a car accident from a broken neck in 1945.
Julio Cárdenas - Villa’s second in command and personal bodyguard, he was killed by Patton and his men in response to The Battle of Columbus, where a dozen of American civilians lost their lives to Villa’s men.
Also during the adventure Indiana indirectly crosses paths with:
John J Pershing - General and Senior Officer of the US Army, most famous for commanding the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) on the Western Front during World War I. During this time he rejected British & French demands that they be integrated within the AEF, and also didn’t integrate the Buffalo Soldiers who he left to be commanded by the French. Despite further controversy regarding his reliance of using frontal assaults that cost the lives of excess amounts of American soldiers, he is the only American to be promoted in his own lifetime to the General of the Armies, the highest possible rank in the US Army.
Venustiano Carranza - Former President of Mexico from 1917-1920 during a time when the current Mexican Constitution was drafted and adopted. During the subsequent election of 1920, Carranza was assassinated in Vera Cruz by political rivals. Today he’s remembered as one of the Big Four of the Mexican Revolution, along with Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, and Álvaro Obregón, the latter who’s thought to be connected to Carranza’s death. Although Carranza is the least remembered of the four in pop culture, he held the most power and is credited for preventing a permanent invasion of Mexico by the United States of America.

Woodrow Wilson - 28th President of the United States (1913-21) - prior to that the Governor of New Jersey (1911-13) and President of Princeton University (1902-10) - and the first Southerner elected to the Presidency in over half a century, whereas he racially segregated the Treasury, Navy, along with other Federal offices. During WWI Wilson executed a policy of neutrality, although he took a far more aggressive stance when dealing with Mexico. He was a leading force of the Progressive Movement as well as the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, where he championed the proposed League of Nations that ended the First World War.
William Randolph Hearst - American newspaper publisher who built the nation’s largest media company and newspaper chain through the emphasis of sensationalism and human interest stories. His life story is a based on the fictional character Charles Foster Kane, played by Orson Welles himself in his iconic film Citizen Kane. Among his many estates, he also owned a 1,625,000 ranch in Mexico named ‘Babicora,’ which was indeed looted by Villa’s men and subsequently taken back by a 100 man army employed by Hearst himself. The land was actually bought by Hearst father (whom he also inherited his first newspaper from), yet in 1886 the younger Hearst was quoted as writing to his mother "I really don't see what is to prevent us from owning all of Mexico and running it to suit ourselves." Hearst was said to live with a great disdain for all Mexican people, and as part of his ‘yellow journalism’ he actively campaigned to criminalize Marijuana in the 1930’s.