Bars/Wordplay 8
"But if you owe me bread, let's try the vegetable approach, you better not let us catch you in the P's/peas cause we ain't on some calm shit, you must heard (mustard) we peel back onions when we don't wanna squash shit, your girl, I'll sell her E, put the potato on the barrel and get this bird touched, and you'll just get robbed for your ten karats/carrots and catch the beats/beets if all my money don't turn up/turnip" It would be disingenuous to not have DNA in your top 20 in battle rap, even if he’s not one of your favorites when there’s so many more to choose from. All the same if you’re of the mindset that he’s basic in comparison then one category you may not be impressed with is his bars, which are in no way below par yet compared to the Hollows and Mooks they just aren’t as creative. Nonetheless that still means his bars are better than most, and if you like DNA’s style then for you I’m sure he delivers every time.
Delivery/Performance 8
"Gangsta that's honestly something that I'm not Ness, but your rap name Elliot Ness and you thought that was hot ness? so if you don't tell the world I will, you named yourself off of a cop ness, so how you supposed to be this monster when you getting ***** lochness (locked ness)." A tough category to score DNA because in his case his delivery and performance aren’t really one in the same. On one hand his performance can be a room shaker, demonstrated in his classic performances vs Ill WIll, E Ness, Dizaster, and a few others in his GrindTime days. On the other hand his delivery at times can sound rather rudimentary, as it’s a simple flow to begin with and he rarely changes it to go in a different direction.

Originality 9
"My teeth is missing my face full of acne, when that steel flair I bet all these fans will chair (wheelchair), like Drake and Degrassi." Say what you want about DNA but he’s his own man and he doesn’t try to be anything but himself, thus when Rex or others want to press him he’s unphased, and his persistence and endurance over time has made him nothing less than a household name.
Versatility/Jokes 9
"You got your ass grabbed and it looked like you and your man was ready to take turns, after that you should've moved to the Lou and got you a straight perm, you got your ass grabbed by your Hitman, ewww, say word, but now it makes sense cause in the dictionary, Shine is a verb (Aye Verb)" Not always the most versatile when it comes to delivery, but as far as performance DNA has all kinds of moves in his trick bag, and he’s not afraid to pull them out whenever needed. He’s strapped a bomb to his chest, thrown an instrumental on, and has even thrown his tooth in the crowd before, and all of it comes off as pure showmanship as opposed to foolish antics.
Freestyle/Rebuttals 9
"Now you gonna try to get in my face and try to punk me, so let's break it down exactly what he said about the country, ***** who are you airing, you just sat 6 ft tall and didn't do shit, who are you scaring?" Some would say it’s a crime to not give DNA a perfect score in this category, as throughout the years he’s had incredible moments with crazy frees and fire rebuttals, yet just as often the improvised material is only impressive for its spontaneity. Similar to Dizaster but for different reasons, both MCs have incredible ability and show tremendous courage in the ring with their capacity to freestyle, yet sometimes (as difficult as it is) the words just don’t come out right. While Diz oftens rambles to the point of not making any sense, DNA is likely to predate the punchline with a set up that has no coherent meaning, therefore neither of them truly deserve a perfect score for the category.

watch the interview
Impact/Brand 9
"It's Round 1 it's getting hot in here, let Ill Will know my slogan (GET EM THE FUCK OUTTA HERE) HELL NO - GET THAT THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, I AIN'T NEVER DRUNK VODKA GET THE YAK THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, LOOK AT THAT HAT GET THAT THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, YOU THOUGHT I WAS GONNA LOSE, GET SMACK THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!" DNA has been grinding for a minute and through the years he’s undeniably made his mark in battle rap, to such an extent that at this point he’s in his early 20’s and already a living legend.
Views/Numbers/Multiple Formats 10
"I took this battle for youtube views, promotion a fanbase, so I made sure I'm well prepared, cause I knew my name would be buzzin in Sweden, China, Switzerland, making them well aware, so once I get rid of this storm and the weather clears, just think about the end of every other natural Disaster, you gon see DNA everywhere." DNA definitely gets his views, with his battle with Dizaster (hosted by Drake) at quadruple platinum status which makes it one of the most watched battles of all time. Otherwise he went double plat with Ars (soon to be triple), and has gone over mil elsewhere too many times to name. He’s also battled EVERYWHERE, literally everywhere but Total Slaughter, and for that reason he deserves credit for stepping in the ring anywhere at any time.
No Stumbles/Chokes 9
"And since we in Detroit and we here with Eminem, fuck it I'll go 8 mile on em, I know I'm from the NYC, but ev-everybody from the 313 put your hands in the air and follow me, said EVERYBODY FROM THE 313 PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR.... *CROWD BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS* and he quit in front of Eminem. Either way DNA isn’t known to choke because of ability to freestyle, however he does stumble quite a bit similar to his mentor Charlie Clips.

Stays Active/Consistency 10
"I ain't paying y'all no mind and who cares if y'all tired of me, I'm gon be on NOME 6 7 8 and NOME 9." As active as anyone and it’s been that way for some time. Nobody can say DNA isn’t active and he’s not consistent, regardless of the level of nice you place him at.
Bodybags 9
"They said he beat Jae Millz and Lux but the footage never came out, I said ah man, but ever since you been on Smack you been wack and you lost damn, so now your career like Vado cause all your hits was off Cam", DNA has bodybagged before, with his most memorable vs E Ness at Summer Madness 2 with Diddy shaking his head in the balcony. He also has an incredible performance vs Ill Will in a battle that nobody gave him a shot to win (even Smack) and it was that moment where many people decided that DNA is a certified legend in battle rap.
for vladtv interview above