[Depicted in Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye, a theme park attraction in Disneyland in Anaheim, California, opened on March 4th, 1995.]
[As told by twelve letters and telegrams scattered around the ride queue] Indiana Jones has recently discovered an ancient temple that was flooded around 65 BC, located in the Lost Delta region of what is now modern day India.
The lost temple contains countless artifacts and treasures left behind by Mara, a deity that offers his visitors three gifts: earthly riches, eternal youth, or visions of the future. The only catch, however, is that no one can look into the “eyes of the idol.”
Inevitably, plenty of tourists have gone missing during their quest, and Indiana has been requested by family members to find their lost loved ones.
Indiana himself has now gone missing inside the tomb, and Marcus Brody is asking for new voyagers to help find America’s last great action hero.
Legend behind this adventure involves:
Mara - a demonic King in Buddhism, associated with death, rebirth, and desire.